Some companies have the impression that virtual private servers (VPS) and
private clouds are the same thing, but these terms aren’t interchangeable.
While the differences
between virtual private server (VPS) hosting and cloud hosting might look
slight at first glance, it can mean all the difference in the world for
Take a look at these key differences between VPS Hosting and private cloud server hosting,
and for more information.
Server Setup:
In VPS Hosting, the server is a single physical server, split up
between a limited numbers of users. It is a similar hosting set-up to a shared
server, where many user accounts are located on the same server. The main
difference between these two server setups is that VPS accounts have fewer
users per box, and the users get more control over their section of the server.
Virtualization software divides the users from each other, although you’re not
entirely isolated from being affected by other people on your server.
A private cloud uses distributed resources across multiple physical
servers. The redundancy allows for a smooth transition to the other servers in
a network in the incident of a hardware failure or any other problem.